DUI Victims Memorial 10k Run & Walk
Pennsylvania DUI Association
The Association has made the difficult decision to cancel our annual run/walk this spring. Many factors weighed into this decision, some of which include a steady decline in participation, a sharp rise in expenses incurred to facilitate the event, as well as logistical/permitting issues with Harrisburg City.
We understand that holding an event to honor and remember the victims of impaired driving is very important to our members and those with loved ones memorialized in the garden. We will be planning an event in 2025 so that we may all gather in support of the garden and those remembered there.

Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in Our Run/Walk
Thank you to everyone that supported the DUI Victims Memorial 10K/1Mile Walk on Saturday. The support received for families of impaired driving victims was overwhelming and provided them support
16th Annual DUI Victim Memorial Run & Walk
The 16th Annual DUI Victims Memorial 10K Run and 1 Mile Walk was a great success. We thank everyone who came out to support the DUI Victims Memorial Garden. The
DUI Victims Run/Walk A Great Success
The DUI Association would like to thank everyone who turned out on Saturday, May 12st for the 15th Annual DUI Victims Memorial 10K Run/Walk. The Run/Walk is dedicated to remembering DUI