Moving DUI Victims Memorial
Out of all the important work accomplished by the Association over the past four decades, the most meaningful project is the DUI Victims Memorial Garden. The garden incorporates bricks, pavers, benches, trees, shrubs and an abundance of flowering plants to create a beautiful and serene setting in which to honor our loved ones who have been killed in impaired driving crashes. Over 2300 DUI Victims are currently honored on engraved bricks in the garden.
The visual impact of the garden filled with all of those engraved bricks has a lasting effect on everyone who sees the garden. After watching loved ones place roses for a lost family member in front of the garden’s central stone engraved with the words “Never A Day Passes That We Do Not Remember,” the idea for a Moving DUI Victims Memorial was born on that day, so that impact could be shared with loved ones around the state.
The Moving DUI Victims Memorial is housed in a 30-foot trailer. The interior showcases a 25-foot wall printed with all of the names of the DUI Victims that have been honored in the Memorial Garden. The wall replicates engraved stone.
The Moving Memorial is an integral part of the Association’s ever-expanding public information and education program. The memorial has had an impact on young and old alike and the ability to move the memorial has allowed thousands of people to view this touching and thought provoking tribute.
For more information about the Moving Memorial please contact the PA DUI Association at 1-800-627-2384.