Training Schedules

Pennsylvania DUI Association

Important: Registration MUST be received at least 10 days prior to workshop date. To participate in a Certification Workshop an individual must have their DUI Coordinator’s permission to register. Participation will be verified with Coordinator upon receipt of registration.

Workshop descriptions are listed below, please scroll down.

To register for any of the workshops listed on the training schedule click on the workshop title.

2025 CRN Certification Workshops
April 24 & 25/9:00 am – 4:00 pmCRN Evaluator IPA DUI Association, 2426 N. Second Street, Harrisburg
2025 DUI Certification Workshops
Feb. 27 & 28/ 9:00 am – 4:00 pmDUI Instructor I

Pittsburgh Mercy, 1200 Reedsdale Street, Pittsburgh

April 3 & 4/9:00 am – 4:00 pmDUI Instructor IFranklin Co. Courthouse (old), 157 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg
May 1 & 2/9:00 am – 4:00 pmDUI Instructor IMontgomery Co. DUI Services, 408 Cherry Street, Norristown
April 11/9:00 am – 4:00 pmDUI PAW

Pittsburgh Mercy, 1200 Reedsdale Street, Pittsburgh

June 19/9:00 am – 4:00 pmDUI PAWFranklin Co. Courthouse (old), 157 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg
2025 Miscellaneous Workshops
February 6 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMMarijuana User in AHSS/CRNONLINE
February 7 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMWho’s Who of DUIONLINE
February 13 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMDUI Sentences & SupervisionONLINE
February 20 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMMedical Conditions Confused for Impairment (Autistic Drivers) – Part 1ONLINE
February 21 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMMedical Conditions Confused for Impairment – Part 2ONLINE
February 26 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMWhat About Alcohol – Part 1ONLINE
February 27 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMJuvenile Delinquency – Supervision, Laws & MoreONLINE
February 28 / 12:00 – 3:00 PMWhat About Alcohol – Part 2ONLINE


(Certification Workshops)

This two-day workshop is designed to begin the certification process. A participant seeking certification as an Evaluator needs to have observed at least one CRN evaluation completed by a certified CRN Evaluator and review the manual prior to attendance of the workshop.

This workshop will focus on the CRN system, its development, CIF, how the interview and instrument determine the recommendation, interviewing strategies and using the web-based application. Requirements of the certification process will be reviewed.                                            


Successful completion of this full-day workshop will result in certification. Participants will be required to submit 3 completed CRN evaluations with appropriate paperwork.

CRNs completed by the participants will be reviewed by the trainer and discussed at the workshop. Areas of weakness and concern will be reviewed. A written examination on the knowledge of the CRN system and PA DUI field will be administered at the end of this workshop.


(Certification Workshops)

 This two-day workshop is designed to begin the certification process.  Participants seeking certification must have observed an approved 12 1/2 hour Alcohol Highway Safety School.

Topics covered include an overview of alcohol highway safety, BAC, alcohol abuse/alcoholism, and legal issues. An overview of the approved curriculum, content areas, and teaching methodologies will be presented. Curriculum implementation and the development of lesson plans will be covered. Requirements of the certification process will be reviewed.

Successful completion of this full-day workshop will result in certification. Participants are required to have conducted an approved 12 1/2 hour Alcohol Highway Safety School curriculum and submit a course outline including lesson plan, prior to attending the workshop. The Trainer will review the paperwork for approval and recommendations.

Participant outlines will be discussed with emphasis on utilizing innovative teaching methodologies. A written examination on the Alcohol Highway Safety School and PA DUI field will be administered at the end of this workshop.


(Certification Workshops)

This two-day workshop is designed to certify the UAD Instructor. Topics covered include an overview of alcohol highway safety, BAC, alcohol abuse/alcoholism, and legal issues. An overview of the approved curriculum, content areas, and teaching methodologies will be presented. Curriculum implementation and the development of lesson plans will be covered. An essential goal of this training is to exchange information regarding the existing Underage Drinking Class process within your county and share new ideas to utilize in your county.


(Recertification credits)

 This course is designed for the adult in-service presenter or trainer that routinely facilitates classroom style learning.  Participants will be exposed to the following material: Review of Adult Learning Styles and Basic Teaching Techniques, Classroom set up and Instructor Conduct, Connecting with a New Generation of Students, Developing Student Led Instruction, Breakout Sessions and Facilitating Interaction, Leveraging Technology in the Classroom, Benchmarking, Critiques and Feedback and Idea Sharing, what is working right now and how to we share it or make changes. Students will work alone and in teams on various teaching techniques along with instructor led discussion and best practices for make their presentation meaningful and effective.

(1/2 day workshop) This workshop will explore different sentencing options and supervision models that are currently utilized for DUI Offenders.  Additionally, we will explore legislative and case law implications that impact how a DUI offender should be sentenced and supervised.

(1/2 day workshop) This course will examine the DUI investigatory process from start to finish and is intended to give someone who is not a police officer an overview of the investigative steps and processes a defendant is put through in a typical DUI investigation from initial observation of the vehicle through chemical testing.  The course will also touch on unique situations officers may encounter during their investigation and how they are generally handled.

This one-day program will enable participants to expand on essential verbal and non-verbal skills. It enhances strategies to speak, listen and understand in a variety of professional settings. Methods specifically target inter-office, emotional and mental health consumers and those within the criminal justice system. Topics will include: Recognizing the power of words both spoken and heard, Understanding human anxiety when people speak, Managing one’s own emotions when speaking, Using appropriate language to minimize conflict, Using effective and reflective listening to create change, Learning how to manage an “emotional environment,” Understanding body language and its impact in communication and learning specific strategies in dealing with emotional or impaired individuals.

This one-day class is for anyone that supervises others, teaches in small to medium size groups or is tasked with making classroom or workplace decisions for others. You will discover what your personal leadership style is and learn how to cultivate its strong points to maximize your personal and team productivity and workplace harmony. Topics will include: examining the different styles of leadership, discovering your personal leadership style, how to maximize your style in your current environment, management versus leadership

understanding how different generations communicate and learn better ways to connect with subordinates of all types, dealing with minor conflict in the workplace between management and employee and employee to employee, Individual and group lead exercises including work place problem-solving, best practices and scenario based personnel issues and provide an open forum discussion of action plans moving forward.

(1/2 day workshop) A lot of motorists feel that if a drug is prescribed to them by a doctor and filled by a pharmacist, then it’s safe. However, more and more prescription medications are impairing drivers. This workshop will give a basic explanation of the drug categories, specific drugs people are using and getting DUI’s with and also explain what happens when some of these “safe” drugs are combined with alcohol.

The Ignition Interlock workshop will cover: the history of ignition interlock within the Commonwealth of PA, the quality assurance program that is maintained by the PA DUI Association, Act 33 of 2016, IILL, IIRL, statutory exclusions for each program, and the application process for both Interlock Programs. Participants with special circumstances and scenarios individuals might encounter while obtaining an interlock license or participating in the interlock program will be discussed. This workshop will explore violations related to the interlock program as well as the penalties associated with violations. The restoration process as it relates to obtaining an unrestricted license will be covered. Participants were provided with information regarding the latest restoration requirements, habitual offender implications, case law, restoration fees, surrendering license, notification of suspension, and credit time for suspension.

 The Case Law workshop will cover current case law as it relates to issues of probable cause, vehicle stops, physical control, implied consent, sentencing enhancements, admissibility of evidence, reasonable suspicion, Miranda considerations, vehicles, D/A assessments, CRN requirements, DUI w/ minors in the vehicle, exigent circumstances to the 2 hour rule, implied consent, what constitutes a prior offense, Act 153, and Senate Bill 773.  There will be an emphasis on current case law updates.

This workshop is unique in that both the approach of the initial responder – whether a police officer, and EMT, or another professional – and that of the professional tasked with a formal interview or therapy session is addressed.  Anger is the major issue in many of these interviews.  Being both impaired and angry does not always occur together but does provide a risk to both the interview and the interviewer.  This workshop discusses the links and manifestations of anger with alcohol/drug impairment and suggests methods for cooperation and safe interaction with impaired persons.  Various pros and cons of a variety of actions and strategies of impaired subjects are covered, as each differs in its appropriateness, effectiveness and risks for making things worse.  Topics include the chemical influence on emotions, the options available to gain cooperation with the person being interviewed, the probability of an anger reaction depending upon the drug involved, and suggestions for minimizing the refusal of cooperation from impaired persons.  The presentation of issues that differ for the first person in the contact – usually the officer in a DUI case – and those of the interviewer who follows up on the process permit each to appreciate the different and similar approaches required.

(1/2 day workshops) This workshop will cover topics related to juvenile delinquency. More specifically, this training will explore current processes related to juvenile crime and supervision. Additionally, attendees will gather additional insight into the juvenile court process including dispositions and alternative programing. Lastly, attendees will explore how DUI related topics may differ when the involved subject is a juvenile.  

(1/2 day workshops) Often times, navigating the DUI law and licensing issues can be overwhelming and confusing.  This workshop cover the major aspects of the DUI law, driver licensing issues, and ignition interlock.  Participants will be provided with an overview of the DUI law including most recent case law implications.  This workshop will also explore other legal implications that incurring a DUI might trigger.  Participants will be provided with an overview of the ignition interlock program including other licensing issues the DUI offender may encounter.

(1/2 day workshops) There are no laws against driving with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other medical conditions, but safety is key. Driving can be stressful and challenging in many ways. ASD drivers, depending on the severity of their diagnosis, might struggle more to adapt to the rapidly changing environment that comes with driving.  ASD diagnosed drivers may, when placed in stressful situations, exhibit behavioral signs and indicators that many officers typically associate with alcohol or drug impairment. Part 2 – Other Medical Conditions – Individuals diagnosed with other medical conditions may also struggle with skills associated with operating a vehicle.  While certain characteristics/mannerisms might be clues of impairment, they could also be associated with underlying medical conditions. This workshop will provide information about behavioral characteristics of people on the spectrum as well as other medical conditions.

This workshop, specialized for non-law enforcement persons, introduces the participant to the world of human communication through the use of body language and other forms of non-verbal communications. Humans communicate in a variety of ways, but normally focus on words – either spoken or written. Body language can be understood and used to facilitate the effective communication of ideas, directions, assistance and comprehension, as well as to enhance personal safety. By understanding the concepts and use of behavior symptom analysis, participants will learn to recognize incongruence and deceptive behavior. By being able to interpret another’s body language, and adjusting one’s own, angry encounters may be avoided and successful professional conversations greatly improved.  Contents include verbal, vocal, and body movement’s impact on a message; paralanguage; importance of various spatial relationships; use of personal body language in interviews to improve understanding and compliance; importance of context, congruence, timing, consistency, and reading body language in clusters; indicators of deception; and using body language to maintain a cordial professional conversation.

This workshop will be divided into two parts, Medical Marijuana and Opiates. The Medical Marijuana portion will look at where marijuana has been decriminalized and what states only permit it for medical purposes. It will also explain the differences in recreational marijuana compared to medical marijuana. This workshop will also look at Medical Marijuana in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the possibility of getting a DUI while under the influence of Marijuana.  The Opioids portion of the training will look at the rise of these highly addictive, overly prescribed drugs. This workshop will give a historical perspective of all opiate drugs from early access to whereas a society we stand right now. This session will also show how addictive these drugs are and how some prescribed users will often move to the use of heroin. And finally, it will show the social and economic destruction that these drugs can cause.

This course will train non-law enforcement personnel to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol or a combination of both. Training objectives include: defining the term “drug” in the context of recognizing the drugged subject, highlight US drug problem issues, discuss tests conducted by law enforcement to determine drug impairment, medical conditions that could be mistaken for drug impairment and the seven different drug categories, common drugs in those categories and signs and symptoms associated.

(1/2-day workshop) this workshop will cover: the history of legalization regarding medical and recreational marijuana throughout the United States, current recreational and medical states, distribution of dispensaries, crime rate changes since legalization, impaired driving and per se, health concerns.  Furthermore, the workshop will explore issues that have emerged in states that have legalized marijuana use, to include:  black market economy, law enforcement concerns, pharmaceutical alternatives available, marijuana and the opioid crisis, marijuana and pain management, hospitalizations/ER visits/poison control, marijuana related fatalities, decriminalization of drugs,  homelessness.  Finally, this workshop explores future considerations and recommendations relative to legalizing marijuana for recreational or medicinal use.

(1/2-day workshop) This workshop will cover: the definition of Substance Use Disorder, Statistics relative to those diagnosed with SUD or AUD, and breakdown of what percentage of the population is using certain drugs.  This workshop will provide an overview on the seven categories of drugs relative to the physiological effects on the body, detection in the blood and urine, and the impact on the driving skill.  We then extensively covered polysubstance use, overdose statistics, excited delirium, addiction, co-occurring disorders including statistics, MAT, the recovery process and what to consider when a relapse occurs.

(1/2-day workshop) Does it seem that everybody who attends Alcohol Highway Safety School has some sort of vaping device? This workshop will explore the history of vaping from e-cigarettes to the most current devices. And believe it or not, its not just nicotine.  The workshop will also explore the what other drugs are being used and the health problems created by using these devices.


(1/2 day)

This two-part series on Alcohol will provide the participant with a comprehensive perspective of the most widely used and abused psychoactive substance.  Part I of the series will focus on the physiological effects of alcohol to include: absorption and elimination, metabolism, effects on behavior and mood, and the impact of alcohol on the body.  We will explore factors that can impact BAC, routes of administration, and BAC misconceptions.  Part II will explore the alcohol industry.  There will be an examination into what type of alcoholic beverages are being sold and consumed.  We will examine the relationship between beverages and acquiring a BAC based upon serving size. This segment will also explore the impact of combining alcohol with other substances.

(1/2 day) Have you ever wondered what happens to the DUI offender before, during and after their arrest? Have you wondered “why do the Police, Probation or Treatment Providers do this and why?” This workshop was designed with you in mind! Participants will first walk through the DUI journey by looking at the health/legal concerns associated with impaired driving. Participants will explore the role of law enforcement, the courts and treatment providers throughout the process as well as relevant laws associated to each entity. Lastly, participants will explore how each stop on an offender’s journey is designed uniquely to compliment the other in order to balance public safety and rehabilitation all with the hopes of reducing the number of impaired driving incidents. This is a perfect class for AHSS instructors who are often faced with challenging questions about the DUI process.

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